29th January 2013

The day started off by us visiting Komari school in order to carry on with the activities subjects that were planned, such as Sports and Bike Repair.

This gave us an opportunity to actually interact with the local children present in the school by getting to teach them the subjects and communicating with them in our own way even though they do not understand our language.

This picture shows the Science group teaching the children about the various experiments involving testing the presence of hydrogen in the test tube.

We were able to play different sports activities with the local students such as volleyball, tea ball, etc.

The challenge that we faced was communication problems since they found it difficult to understand English. However, we were able to communicate through "sign language" and also due to the fact that they knew the basic English vocabulary.

We were able to make new friends through these activities.

In the bike repairing activity, we taught the students how to fix punctures and we also repaired some bikes. Tomorrow they will work on the rest of the bikes.

Peter and Kassoom were present, who were bike experts and were able to share their knowledge with us.

We then visited Mr. Snyder's beach house. After having lunch at his house, we went to the beach for a swim

We biked a distance of about 25 km today from the beach house to the hotel. The trip was very tiring and we got sore bottoms, but in all, we enjoyed the trip since it was a new experience for us.

For dinner, we went to a local restaurant called "SAS restaurant" in downtown Pottuvil. Here, we tried the local delicacy called "Kottu".


One Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Looks like a great time

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